Sunday, June 28, 2020

Anonymous’ Mission is Misinformation Designed to Hurt President Trump

Anonymous: Known Facts Mixed With Anti-Trump Misinformation

Anonymous YouTube channel is a misinformation factory designed to mislead people as to the direction of the country and the performance of President Donald J. Trump.

I don’t want to link their channel or videos because I don’t want to see anyone else fooled by them. They are anti-Trump, anti-Q and anti-American sovereignty.

I made the comment below into a misinformation video and sleight-of-hand trick to stop people from learning about NESARA and trick people that the investment that may very well depreciate the most of any currency is the one people should be buying.

NESARA is the end of money “as we know it,” not Bitcoin.

Bitcoin seems to have all the characteristics for the mark of the beast. One world currency. You cannot trade without it. 🤔 

I don’t know how comfortable I’d be dependent on a digital-only system that one can’t buy, sell nor trade without.

This is all misinformation anyway. NESARA will be announced in a few weeks and the US will return to a gold-backed currency. Anonymous is not the Anonymous of a decade ago. The new Anonymous releases nonstop videos with 3/4 truth, and 1/4 big lies that are very convincing.

If you haven’t heard of NESARA, I’d suggest reading up on it from a right-leaning source. Trump is going through with it and the world is following suit. Go see if you can find Iraqi Dinar for sale anywhere. Ebay and Amazon are the only places left that you can get it. The prices are 5 times the exchange rate. Same with Vietnamese Dong. Now ask yourself why.

Iraqi Dinar Exchanges Scamming Customers & Hoarding Dinar Reserves

XChange of America

XChange of America ( has stolen untold, vast amounts of money fromustomer in recent weeks as they prepare to exit scam their way out of the business. no longer conducting business.
Treasury Vault

Treasury Vault no longer answers phone calls, returns messages nor replies to emails.

NESARA: National Economic Securities & Reformation Act

Trump and America are leading a global revolution over the banking canal, bankrupting the central & global banks,  returning to gold & silver backed currencies and allocating the wealth seized from the cabal, human traffickers, child molesters & the Satanic cult that the Bushes, Clintons and Obamas all belong to with many, many others to all countries willing to invest properly so that every child born has enough to eat, clothes to wear, an opportunity to receive an education while their parents can find gainful employment. Iraq & Vietnam are expected to see the biggest fried in value, and right now, there’s not an exchange or dealer in the world that is fulfilling orders. They say they’re out of stock, but the truth is they know what’s about to happen and that the foreign currencies will soon see an unprecedented appreciation leading to 1000-to-1 ROI (or above).

Don’t take my word. Try going to a business — any business — that exists primarily to sell Iraqi Dinar, and trying to buy Dinar. You won’t be able.

Anonymous is a misinformation agent, probably from the central agency. Their videos all start out educational and factual, but the endings and the point of Anonymous’ videos is to try to damage President Trump’s reelection chances. Disregard the main points. The facts in the beginning are okay, but Anonymous is neither credible nor trustworthy.

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